The Swarming of the Gnats

Life lessons taught by the little things that fly into your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Don Feazelle
Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2021


I caught the little buggers while they danced in the sunlight by the author.

The swarming gnats appear like dust motes dancing on the sunbeams. In a circular pattern, dancing ever tighter like the planets around the sun, the males and females prepare to mate. They look so busy and so active, though, from my perspective, their purpose is unknown. The designer of designs knows. Locked in the gnat's DNA, messages are sent and received that will perpetuate their way.

A short time and then the gnats are gone, not to be seen for another season. To me, their disappearance has no rhyme or reason.

In many ways, people are like gnats. So many people move frantically in circles caught in the breeze, drifting, moving toward death, seemingly in a state of disease—sleepwalkers living in a dreamland, always wandering, never finding. Then one day, they are not.

Some slumber on in their nightmarish existence to never awaken. Others awaken late only to enjoy the twilight. The rare awaken early and find lifelong joy in the timeless morning light.

Like the sunlight which burns off the morning haze, the inner light brings clarity, meaning, and simplicity to their days. Joy and…



Don Feazelle
Literally Literary

Writer, philosopher, humorist, observer of life, an all-around lovable guy.