Until we meet again

Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readDec 17, 2019
Photo by Ruben Engel on Unsplash

A poem for you, with or without you.
Bright sunshine woke me up, I seemed to see you in the dream.
Lay me down on the hill, hold me close in your arms.
Say you love me, and will never change.
Say I am your only, and I will ever be.
Smelling your natural scent got me excited.
Feeling your weight got me secured.
You are coming home, a reunion is what I am waiting for.
When we meet again.
I will be the queen, and you can only obey.
When we meet again.
Dominator I, will make all the commands.
Only you can get on your knees and kiss my toes, then be Aye.



Literally Literary

Life fulls of plenty of whys, happiness, coincidences, love, and stories that we couldn’t have imagined to meet. To be told.