What can I say about her

A few verses on my inadequacy of expressing her.

Literally Literary


What can I say about her, Who is
As gentle as a child,
As mysterious as the stars,
As pleasant as the breeze.

What can I say about her, For whom
Beauty is the livery,
Poetry is the speech,
Art is the deed.

What can I say about her,
Whose smile belongs to a daffodil,
Whose voice belongs to a songbird,
Whose stride belongs to a doe.

What can I say about her,
Who inspires a thousand poems in me, but whom a million of them can not describe,
Who is lovelier than twilight, and before whom all the light in the world pales.
Who is the Creator’s masterpiece, and whom the greatest of artists fail to capture.

What can I say about her,
Who is more beautiful than all the stars in the sky,
Who is grander than the highest heavens,
Who is more vibrant than mother nature.

What can I say about her,
Who is the gentle rain that follows thunder,
Who is the relieving harvest that follows toil,
Who is the tear that follows joy.

Thanks for dropping by.

© Srinath Samba. 2020



Literally Literary

Tired of a normal life. Afraid of a different one. I’ve taken refuge in Poetry and dreams. Aspiring Aspirer.