What is beauty?

Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2019

I know I am beautiful.
You don’t have to tell me, but thanks for reminding me again anyways.
That said …what is beautiful? Being able to have smooth, nice skin?
Having a good figure and wearing nice makeup like Barbie dolls?
Putting all the couture designs on every day, carrying bags with brands?
Or being hairless, waxing all the areas on your body you can?

I said, being beautiful is an attitude.
The attitude about how you see yourself.
You can dress casually, but still look cool and chic with THE attitude.
You don’t have to put on any makeup on your face, because your confidence is strong enough for you to shine without accessories.
You, yourself are the definition of beauty.

I may not meet any of it on the list above, but it’s okay.
Everything fades, my age, my skin, my booties, but so do the things with brands season by season.
Fading is not a sad thing. It’s not how we look on the outside; it’s just a process simply like how we turned to a woman from a girl. And that makes us different.

Beauty is never a noun, but a verb. The aging marks on our body remind us how much we’ve been through with time, how mature we’ve become. In addition, they allow us to show more kinds of beauty we could have, we could be with those cute little aging marks.

We wouldn’t look like 20 when we are 30.
We wouldn’t look like 18 when we are 50.
No worries.
No matter how old we are as time goes by, we would have our unique vibes/beauty with our attitude.

Being beautiful can be shown in a diverse way.
The attitude inside is the only thing that makes you beautiful in your own way. We should learn to appreciate every aspect of the thing “age”, instead of just trying to erase them.

Even if you called those faults, you are still beautiful.
It’s these small little faults that make you more perfect, more of a human being.
You are more beautiful than you think you are.
I am keenly aware of that fact now. So are you.







Literally Literary

Life fulls of plenty of whys, happiness, coincidences, love, and stories that we couldn’t have imagined to meet. To be told.