While Darkness Falls

Terrye Turpin
Literally Literary
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2020


Broadway Cemetery Historic District, Galveston Texas — Photo by the author

The Dead make silent company.
Our sleep eternal, undisturbed by dreams.

Broadway Cemetery Historic District, Galveston Texas — Photo by the author

We rest in rooms of marble.
The grave our blanket, tucked and weighty.

Grave at Broadway Cemetery Historic District, Galveston Texas — Photo by the author

Come lay the wreath of faded flowers,
And softly cover spirit’s bed.

Broadway Cemetery Historic District, Galveston Texas — Photo by the author

Come carve the stone with names immortal,
to mark the place where loved ones lie.

Broadway Cemetery Historic District, Galveston Texas — Photo by the author

Come mourn the loss, the empty space,
Where stood the soul, beloved, embraced.

Broadway Cemetery Historic District, Galveston Texas — Photo by the author

Arise the dreamer, while darkness falls,
We search the earth for room to grieve.

© Terrye Turpin 2020

