
Literally Literary
Published in
1 min readNov 30, 2017

There you sit, while your emails and calls
go unnoticed.
And what do you do in the meantime?
You’ve left fate in the hands
of another. Be it
a prospective client,
or a prospective lover,
the ball is now in their court.
All you can do
is sit and wait.
How does it make you feel?
At peace —
like it’s in God’s hands now?
Or does it give you agita?
Do you refresh your inbox
every five minutes,
waiting for that golden ticket,
glance at your phone
just as often,
waiting for some semblance
of human connection?
Do you get so fed up
that you wouldn’t even mind a No,
if only so you can finally
forget about it
and move the hell on
with your life?
Just me,
or you too?



Literally Literary

prose scrawled on the cave walls — poems, thoughts, and stories from the remarkably unremarkable