Wings over Waves

Manisha Sahoo
Literally Literary
Published in
Dec 29, 2020
Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Rocks, little pebbles, everything you stacked,
Sturdy, unrelenting under crashing waves,
And I stand waiting at the edge;

Said you would be back before the tower tumbled,
And it stays faithful still, bearing the attacks,
Perforated, yet perseveres;

Salt of the water lick my toes, scathe my feathers,
I lift my wings, I could fly to you, but I fear,
If I leave, empty shores you will greet,

And leave again, no tower to mark then,
I would return to wonder and agonize,
No rocks on sand to stand by;

Rocks, little pebbles, everything you stacked,
Sturdy and bearing the weight of the waves,
And the salt balms the wounds within.



Manisha Sahoo
Literally Literary

Writer. Poet. Clumsy. Awkward. Straight-forward. You can find her on Twitter @LeeSplash, Instagram @leesplash, or at