You Fade From Existence

But I’m still here

Chelsea Marie
Literally Literary


Photo by Jakub Kriz on Unsplash

You no longer remember the day I was born.

It’s been years of guessing, joking, hiding truths.

Knowledge has slipped

through the crevasses

of your faded memory.

This disease has attacked your mind,

for longer than we could comprehend, accept.

How did we not realize?

How did we not know?

Your expertise at mathematics,

when I was a youth,

never ceased to amaze me, calculations without mechanical aid;

pure magic.

Yet, the craft gets harder each day,

You will lose your acquired gift.

How can this be? This impossibility!

You may not even remember me,

Perhaps it’s a certain truth, one I refuse to believe.

It happens so gradually,

the fog creeping in over your memories;

clouding your brilliant mind.

I’m scared, petrified,

but my secret fear will never see the light.



Chelsea Marie
Literally Literary

Introvert, writer, wanderer, wonderer ... obsessed with creating writing prompts and poetry. Follow me for your 3X weekly dose of inspiration!