Savannah Dean
Literally Two
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2018


The Meeting That Changed My Life Forever

Hall Of Famer Willie Brown and I. Photo taken by my mom.

Everyone dreams of meeting their idol. Growing up a huge Packers fan, as a young girl my idol was Brett Favre. Watching him play excited me. The Packers were my team, and seeing them preform on tv always put a smile on my face. My heart raced every Sunday morning knowing I could see my team in the spotlight. Nothing has changed to this day. My heart still races and my body is still over taken with emtions.

I was lucky enough to grow up in Ohio near the Pro Football Hall Of Fame and meet Hall Of Famer of the Los Angeles Radiers Willie Brown. My mom grew up a huge Raiders fan. Her and my aunt Janese entered the Hall Of fame Paegent- and won. They got to walk Mr. Brown down that feild has was being inducted. My mom, being just as much as a football as me, kept in contact with him. We became close as I got older. So when came to town for the Hall of Fame weekend we would meet up. I took every advantage Willie game me.

One of those advantages was walking in to the Holiday Inn in Canton and my idol standing right in front of me introducing himself. I shook his hand, and had never been so nervous in my life. “Hi pretty lady, how are you today?” Farve said. I didn’t want to talk because I didn’t want to say something stupid. But he said “Tell me about yourself, you must be an interesting lady if your hanging out with my friend Willie Brown over here,” and I lit up like a brand new light bulb. My heart was racing and I was trying not to have an anxiety attack but I thought I was holding myself well. “You are amazing,” I blurted out. “I’m a huge fan of yours and the Packers.” I was so happy to be talking to an all-star quarterback, not to mention and all-star quarterback that played for the Packers. But soon enough, it was like I was talking to friend that loved football just as much as I did.

This had to be the best day of my life. I mean I was sweating through my brand new dress and my knees were shaking the whole time. But I walked away with the biggest smile on my face and the most amazing memory I will ever have.

Favre led the Packers to multiple Super Bowls and won MVP three years in a row. I watched every game, and when he got traded to the Vikings I was shocked and upset. Aaron Rodgers became the new face of the Packers in 2008 when Favre left, things were different. It took my a little bit to get used to it, but soon enough it felt like things were back to normal.

To become a hall of famer you must be out of the league five years minimum. A first ballot hall of famer means that you make the cut to make the Hall of Fame the first year you are eligible. Over a hundred past players get nominated for the ballot at the beginning of the season, but it gets narrowed down to only seven at the end. People that are NFL greats might not ever make the Hall of Fame. Brett Favre was lucky to become a first ball hall of famer in 2017.

I was able to go to the ceremony for him to receive his gold jacket, the hall of fame dinner where all seven players notianed are honored and the speech where they reveal the bust that will show in the hall of fame. The speech Brett Favre gave opened my eyes, I learned more about him in that 30 minutes than I ever did watching in play the game.

Once it was all over, I met up with Wille Brown again and introduced me to many different Hall of Famers. I had great conversatioons with them and took multiple pictures, but the one that I will never forget is Brett Farve. I can remember being so nervous that I could hardly speak. I mean I was about to talk to an all-time Packer great.

I didn’t stop talking to my mom about it, “Hey did you knwo that I met Brett Favre?” “Can you believe it?” “I’m mind blown that it actually happened.” I told everyone I could. I called my dad, I called my friends (even though they didn’t even know who he was). I got home and couldn’t believe what had just happened, my heart was still racing. I couldn’t sleep that night, I was in awe. I will never forget the happiness this day brought me. I will never forget how I was smiling so big that it gave my face cramps. Football is something that fills me with joy. My passion, my joy and my awe will never fade. A day like this will forever be remembered and a story I will forever tell.

