Celebrating Canva designing on World Book Day- 3 March 2022

Canva Milestone- 200 Designs on the platform

Designing on Canva is Fun and Exciting

Warren Brown
Literary Festival
Published in
Mar 2, 2022


Designed on Canva by Warren "Storyteller" Brown

I thoroughly enjoy designing my book covers, posters, and social media images on Canva. I have been designing on Canva for over ten years.

Today, the Canva team awarded me with the 200 Milestone Canva certificate. Thank you Canva team for this honor.

Here are the designs for World Book Day, 3rd March 2022, that I designed on Canva.

Designed on Canva by Warren "Storyteller" Brown
Designed on Canva by Warren “Storyteller” Brown
Designed on Canva by Warren “Storyteller” Brown

Here are a few of the book covers that I designed on Canva.

Designed on Canva by Warren “Storyteller” Brown

