A Chariot in Starry Blazes

Night camera for a glorious picture

Obinna Uruakpa
Literary Impulse
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2021


Photo by Jon Del Rivero on Unsplash

A slice of the moon
breaks off the sky
and falls in an arc
through the darkness —
a chariot in starry blazes,
to frighten
the night owl,
into asking who! With that,
it turns its neck
to see who else
had a night camera
for that glorious picture.

If the night bat
gets scared by this crash,
and takes off half-blind
to tell what it saw
who will believe
the story told in poor light?
and if it should wait
till the morning comes,
who will believe
it was not daydreaming again.

That’s why the man with one eye
takes a second look
to confirm the evidence
and ensure it stands
and from the witness box
tells the judge
who peers at him
from behind reading glasses that
two eyes certainly saw the exhibit
to cure any doubt.

©OU 082021



Obinna Uruakpa
Literary Impulse

I am your Brother and a Seeker of the Infinite. I came this time among the Igbos. I share the sights, sounds, and scents of my journey in simple stories. .