A Dizain for My Ankle Sprain

Uncommon poetic form

Samantha Lazar
Literary Impulse
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2021


Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

sometimes it’s arnica and lavender
a poultice pulling pain apart from grief
scars compounding aging salt to injure
trembling grounds repeat stories of relief
no slowing with the weakness of belief
scold frozen synapse- awake and retrain
a forgetful memory blinds the brain
body responds when mind the meadow clears
tread easy ‘til again I heal this sprain
or lose my future trail for misty years

Samantha Lazar 2021

This poem is a dizain:

One ten-line stanza
Ten syllables per line
Employs the following rhyme scheme:

Thank you Somsubhra Banerjee for the prompt at Literary Impulse:

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Thank you for reading. Samantha Lazar is a writer, poet, and teacher living in North Carolina with the loves of her life. Her first narrative poetry collection, Reaching Marrakesh is available here.

