Embracing the Abyss of Eternal Solitude

Rahul S
Literary Impulse
Published in
5 min readJun 18, 2023


Within the depths of my being, an insatiable longing pervades. A profound desire to merge into the boundless expanse of nothingness. I dwell in the realm of lonesomeness — a solitary figure in my self-constructed universe. Alas, the perplexed minds of others find themselves entangled in the enigma of my thoughts, ceaselessly questioning, “What transpires within Nachi’s mind?” But I know. Their curiosity arises not from genuine concern for the essence of “Nachi” but from a detached indifference towards my being.

Hence, I retreat into the sanctuary of my own world. Akin to a secluded cave or a sheltered shell, shielded from prying eyes that incessantly pry into my seemingly nonsensical activities. For some, my presence evokes fear, a fear that I may disrupt the fabric of society. For others, I am a mere spectacle, a source of entertainment. And yet, a few genuinely care about my well-being.

Curiously, there exists a facet, within me, that recoils when confronted with care and concern. I yearn to be so profoundly alone that not even their solicitous regard can touch me. I yearn to be confined within a cavern, akin to Lazarus in his eternal slumber, forever suspended between life and death.

My perceived reputation, it seems, stems from my solitude. But I harbor no desire to be known. Not even for my aloneness. For when one…

