Eudaimonia — Final Selection

An Anthology of amazing pieces by some very talented writers

Somsubhra Banerjee
Literary Impulse
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2021


Illustration by Era Garg

Hello Medium Community,

We hope you all are safe and have been taking care of yourself and your near and dear ones.

First, we were so overwhelmed with the response we received for our third foray into prompts territory on Medium with Eudaimonia. We have received a huge number of pieces and we cannot be thankful enough to all of the contributing authors from across Medium, who spent their valuable time painting such beautiful words around that word. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

This was the first time that we collaborated with another Medium pub. And who better than Paper Poetry, an amazing publication with really unique ideas, which you should definitely follow. We are immensely grateful to everyone at Paper Poetry, Suntonu Bhadra, Carolyn Hastings, Indubala Kachhawa, for their relentless support in making this tie-up successful. The final list you see below is a mix of…



Somsubhra Banerjee
Literary Impulse

Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!:)