
A poem

Aparna Das Sadhukhan
Literary Impulse


Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash

I have vanished
into thin air
not a trace of me
not even memories
so you never knew me
nor will you ever in future
for I never existed

Why does saying that
feel so nice?
Do birds feel that way?
Do they need to tell their children
before they go away
or kiss and tell their lover
not to wait?

You burden me with your love
your laughter rings in my ears
your eyes dance before mine
hold me captive
like humans always do

But I’m not of earthy variety
I’m made of smoke and pixie dust
with a snap of fingers I vanish
leaving you to worldly lust

Don’t you despair
just close your eyes and believe
that I have indeed vanished into thin air
not a trace of me remains
not even memories
you’ve never known me
nor will you in future
for I don’t exist

Oh, but why does saying that feel so nice?



Aparna Das Sadhukhan
Literary Impulse

To be a poet is a condition, not a profession ~ Robert Graves (: