July Is About Transformation

Literary Impulse mini-edition is live!!!

Bradley J Nordell
Literary Impulse
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2020


Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

Weekend Stories

Writing is more than just a jigsaw puzzle of words and phrases weaved coherently to tell a story. Writing is the grasping of infinity and our pursuit to glimpse just a single second of the eternal transformation of the cosmos. Beauty lies in every moment — never forget that. The art of writing is to see those moments and reform them through your mind and insight. The writer is a conduit for beauty and meaning, and stories to flow through. And in the poetic language of the mind, we showcase our truths.

We are all in flux. Every passing moment becomes a dream. And the writer is the dreamcatcher, snatching those moments as they relinquish and wielding them with pen, mind, and heart to say to the world, “this is what I found along my journey of time. This is my truth. This is me.”

Through your writing, we see you — an ephemeral timeliness image, bestowed unto the minds of now and the thinkers of tomorrow. To write is to become. To write is to control your narrative — and through that, to create yourself.

So let us create. Let us see forms within the formless, truth within the meaningless, harmony with the chaos. It’s there; we just need to observe it.



Bradley J Nordell
Literary Impulse

Author, poet, quantum physicist, photographer, explorer of the mind and imaginary worlds. New book "The Second Sky" is available now!