
Poem| Cethramtu Rannaigechta Moire

Lubna Yusuf
Literary Impulse
Published in
May 31, 2024


Line Art Lubna Yusuf

Mellow breeze
June tree glows
Summer veins
Warm blood flows

This is in response to the ‘Unusual Poetic Forms’ by Somsubhra Banerjee on Literary Impulse:

I have chosen the Irish Poetic Form, Cethramtu Rannaigechta Moire:

Quatrain (four-line stanza) form
All the lines have three syllables
Lines two and four end rhyme

Thank you editors, Somsubhra Banerjee and Priyanka Srivastava for this delightful prompt series. Grateful to all my readers on Medium for your love, claps, comments and support always. Your feedback always brings joy.

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Lubna Yusuf
Literary Impulse

BOOKS: www.amazon.com/author/lubnayusuf | Author, Lawyer, Filmmaker, Multidisciplinary Artist |Co-author TheAIBook | Instagram @iglubna