Lewis Hine b/w Library of Congress photo from 1911 showing child laborers, several young, seated  ‘breaker boys.’ The photo depicts small boys, 8–10 years old, in dirty clothing, faces sneared with coal dust, working in an anthracite coal mine in eastern Pennsylvania.
Breaker Boys, 1911 | Lewis Hine, Library of Congress

King Coal and Me

Coal Country’s Hidden Hand


Pennsylvania and the Roots of American Empire

I was born and raised in coal country, around Pittsburgh. My father was a miner, and where I lived as a youth many kids I knew also had fathers, uncles, brothers, even grandfathers, in the mines. For the most part, we took coal and everything associated with it for granted. We were used to…



Frank Moone
Literary Impulse

Cultural criticism, poetry, fiction, classics, philosophy, and plays. Coal miner's son. I read long novels.