Letters from God

The Mind Is The Mailbox

Literary Impulse


Photo by Rinck Content Studio on Unsplash

God sends us letters every day.
Only some of us look in the mailbox.
Only some of us open the letters.
Only some of us read the letters.
Only some of us are able to recognize that the sender is God.

Only some of us will understand the message clearly.
Only some of us will follow the message carefully.
Some will doubt.
Some remain oblivious.
Some won’t remember.
Some will reject.

How can you recognize the letters of God?
Keep your mailbox tidy.
What is the mailbox?
Your mind is the mailbox
What are the letters?
Your thoughts are the letters, baby!

Remove the unnecessary letters.
Remove the clutter.
Let go the thoughts that aren’t good for you.
Clean your mind.
A clean mind shows God’s letters clearly.
The cleaner the mind, the clearer the message.

God’s letters are sent to the address called intuition.
The address is hard to reach if the mailbox is untidy.
Intuition works best…

