
Never again found

Iva Hotko
Literary Impulse
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2023


Image by the author

Lost to the meaning of words
lost in blissful ignorance.
He can hear grass growing
spending his days floating
between this world and another
in the state of constant wonder.

Nurtured by caressing arms,
carried like a water drop on the palm
with love that holds one name —

“Mama” the first word spoken,
“Mama” on a death bed broken

Never again the same shine of the sun,
never a warm smile, and understanding eyes.
He wasn’t born for this world or the other
he was an orphan looking for a mother —

The one who would feel
the collision of sensation within him,
the one who would wipe away tears,
and help him overcome fears.

He didn’t see the world as other did
he felt all the ripples in-between:
the sparkles and twitches,
colours and cracks,
pieces of the puzzle
left behind.



Iva Hotko
Literary Impulse

Walking contradiction of sense and sensibility. Literature, art, philosophy, gardening, nature,hiking and photography 🦋