Prompt Challenge-National Poetry Month

Are you all ready for something new?

Somsubhra Banerjee
Literary Impulse
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2021


Image edited by Priyanka Srivastava through Canva

“I have heard trees talking, long after the sun has gone down: Imagine what would it be like to dance close together in this land of water and knowledge.

To drink deep what is undrinkable.”
- Joy Harjo

We would like to invite writers and readers to join us in celebrating National Poetry Month 2021.

All you need to do is write poems based on the prompts(you’ll love them) which we will share soon. The mandatory tags which you need to use are napowrimoshabdaaweg and Literary Impulse.

And Medium writers, if you are on Twitter and Instagram you need to share your posts there with the hashtag #napowrimoshabdaaweg, and we shall share it across all our social media.

Sounds Exciting? We bet it is.

Please feel free to drop a simple comment in this post, on how you think about it, and that’ll make us happy, for sure!

Keep watching this space for more details on the prompt, along with some surprises.

Do give us a follow on Twitter and…



Somsubhra Banerjee
Literary Impulse

A heart that finds solace in mountains, the whispers of old buildings, silences, books, poetry and football.