Literary Impulse & Paper Poetry “Eudaimonia” Prompt Submission

Recitation for Alasdair Macintyre

Philosophical Poetry


Small trailside waterfall — Forest Park, Portland, OR — 2/20/21 — Photo by author

We are the ones who know
We are the ones who strive
We are aching for truth but hiding in our own shadows
We are nothing but dust
We are everything in spirit
We are who we say we are not
And all that we hope to be will soon
End and
Begin again
A little further down the path.

Snow evaporating in the winter sun — photo by author

Thank you to the teams at Literary Impulse and Paper Poetry for the Eudaimonia prompt!

Carolyn Riker, William J Spirdione, Terry Mansfield, Whitney Rose, Randy Shingler, please consider submitting some of your own excellent work if you haven’t already! :)

Courtesy of Literary Impulse

For details check [What does Eudaimonia mean to you?]



Jonathan James Anderegg
Literary Impulse

Writer of ever consuming curiosity; lover of good story — in shape, word, and sound; implacable defender of the Oxford comma; gregarious introvert.