a nautical fable poem - Hiraeth

Selkie Shangri-La

Loving flows liquid washing over our labyrinth of lifetimes

Literary Impulse
Published in
3 min readSep 26, 2020


Image via Meatle, Pixabay

Shangri-la island sunrise

Mysterious morning manifests

As a seal, she blissfully awakens in the tidal zone

Relaxed rolling over delicious sunlight dazzles

Sparkling white sand

Splashing giggling barefoot babes

Wearing fragrant frangipani leis

Sharing mangoes and lilikoi juice

Calm like a clam

Clear clean sapphire puddles

Teeming with tiny aquatics

Eagerly embracing experiencing this new heavenly feeling of gliding through warm water

Rather than her history of icy cold channels

Cozy seaweed flats

Snug memories of refreshing crisp currents

Dazzling colors of this delightful diverse azure sea

Magical welcome

Whales, dolphins, turtles, fish of all colors

Blue starfish on a rock catches her glance

Starry eyed

She smiles

Soul overflow

Ahh, the maritime loving mortal who could never understand her

Walking the path to their coastal lighthouse abode

Craggy coastal views

Songs of seagulls

Vistas of ospreys

Nautical lanterns, brisk winds, cloudy skies


Fond memories filled her

Gratitude for friends and neighbors who always tried to help her

Perched above the cliffs played the harp to the foggy shore which attracted creatives

Thalassophile artists and writers among other mellow mortals

Unrevealed therianthropy


Slipping into the sea while they were sleeping

Untold frolicking with her seal folk kind

Unexpected invisible teardrop sliding down her face

Sadness of separation



Unresolved wondering

Maybe the artists could have understood me?

Knowing love was all.

Irresistible ocean call.

Though not longing for long

She looked down into a tidepool at all the littles

Spirited eyes of fish and crabs reciprocating adoring greetings

Met by her immeasurable consideration

Eager for her protection and friendship

Cooled by a flood of abundant compassion

Morning and eve

Moons and tides

Earth and swells

Nostalgia and contentment

Underwater rhythms defined her whether toes or tail

Intelligence placed her into perfection

Time to discover this next life aquamarine adventure

Locating her afterworld assigned grotto submerged below the reef

Inside her new digs, she found creative tools

Gifts, like form and fluke

Perhaps manifested from her treasured terrestrial moments; harp, pen, paper, tea

Liquid cobalt dimensions generously cared for her

Yet celestial periwinkle starfish cued

a deeper entangled cerulean dive into her enchanted heart’s abyss

Michele the Trainer 2020

I accepted this theme/challenge with great appreciation to Selma @selmawrites. This story is my interpretation of the mood of Hiraeth*, per this theme, and her story Blanketed in Yore, was my inspiration:

*Regarding this interesting theme from the brilliant folks at LiteraryImpulse.com:

“Hiraeth is a word from the Welsh language that has no exact equivalent in English. It refers to a kind of nostalgia, similar to homesickness, but somewhat more complex. Akin to the German Sehnsucht and the Portuguese Saudade, it evokes the longing for a home you may never be able to return to, and the connection with the loved ones you left behind; or, perhaps, the longing for a place that never existed, the tribe that you haven’t found yet…

You can find various pronunciations on Google, but in my humble opinion, the most authentic one is something like HEER-eye-th with a rolled “r” the “th” barely a whisper.

An invitation to write

If you’re like me and you can’t resist a challenge, or if this mysterious word from verdant Wales stirs something in the depths of your soul, we hope you will respond by sending us your work, poetry or prose, long or short. The window to participate will be from August 10th through September 25th. Our panel, led by Theme Editor Keta Nachi, will be reading all submissions from that period as they come in and select the best entries (we’re thinking 4 poems and 3 prose pieces) to be published in an e-book anthology…”

I’d like to tag Alex, Connie Song, Dr. Roopa, Randy Shingler, SusannahMackinnie &Tej to explore Literary Impulse, enjoy!

Note- This piece is a submission for this ongoing theme-based event as mentioned above. I’d love it if you’d tag me if you choose to write the theme MicheletheTrainer

Spread love and self-care.

