
Prose poetry

James G Brennan
Literary Impulse
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2020


Photo by Ilyuza Mingazova on Unsplash

It’s my ritual, to clean the mask with water, rub some baby shampoo
On the lens, rinse, put everything back in my bag I am not using.
Ah feck I’m clumsy and invite plenty of sand to join in my ritual, oh, don’t Forget a puff on my inhaler.

I walk to the water’s edge, tie back my hair, fumble with mask, snorkel, Fins And camera, while the others are already snorkelling.

Eventually, with my trusty camera, I’m off, breathing erratically at first,
I am aware, I slow down the pace to a mindful calm.

In this serenity I begin to move through the water with ease, reflections from The water’s surface projecting light scales across sand and rocks, this is Crystal clear!

Fish of many colours, many sizes glinting in the sunlight as they feed On Plantation, Moorish fish darting through rocks as my shadow casts its Intruding presence, Seargent Major fish gliding at a more relaxed pace
Bothered not by my awkward company, some species are even curious by Nature, Needlefish are not shy at all, as they follow me around.

I’m grateful for the experience as the current gently moves me, finding myself Absorbed among fish of many species for my camera to record.

The sunlight streaming through the water brings all fish, clams, Corals and
Sea plantation, to vibrant life, I quickly back away From a Lionfish,
It means no harm, however, its filament fins Produce venom-tipped spikes Which would see me ill for a while.

The beautiful colours of a Parrotfish flash by, I’m unable to get the shot as These fish are either shy or taking no risk in this tranquil place.

I spot long white antennas giving away the Lobster home,
Brightly lit Sea Worms of which I had no idea existed, looking like
Electric cable jutting from the sea bed swaying in the gentle current.

A black and white scaled Moray Eel not too happy to see me
Retreats into the rock, again too quick to get a pic, damn I really like them.

I ascend to a grand finale, and what a finale! A big ball of Scad Fish spinning And turning in on itself while they swim around my body, what a joy!
Their twists and turns forming all kinds of shapes and patterns before moving On in new formations off into the crystal distance.

I see a small whale, it can’t be far away, wait; it has yellow fins! As I approach It turns towards me, gives a thumbs-up, and an ok sign for my Eager camera Lens.

All these great pics to edit from my trusty camera, makes me feel Like
Jacques Cousteau! Only, as I check through the pictures I can use only 10 of One Hundred or more. Ha! Looks like I shall have to try again tomorrow!
And try again I will.

Thank you to the editorial team of Literary Impulse for giving my words a platform here at Literary Impulse… Thank you all for reading and your valuable time. Always. J.



James G Brennan
Literary Impulse

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.