Storm Walkers

Free verse poetry

James G Brennan
Literary Impulse
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2021


Photo: James G. Brennan. Outside our home on the sea horizon.

These recurring dreams
come with fear, excitement and wonder.

Lightning strikes the ground lingering
as if probing for information, is it looking for me?
I hide anyway in awe of its power.

Wanting to touch it as if it could be understanding,
knowing it is not;
it’s a dream to connect with absolute energy.

Desiring it to stay, wanting it to leave,
if it sees me it will strike, leaving nothing but cinders
or an absolute nothing, not even a soul.

This piece is a response to day five of The National Poetry Month 2021 “Recurring Dreams” with Shabd Aaweg Review.

Read the invite to participate in Literary Impulse (Shabd Aaweg) poetry month here, do feel free to join in.

Thank you as always, Rahul Sharma, Priyanka Srivastava, Elisabeth Khan, Somsubhra Banerjee, for this great idea and for giving my words a platform.
🙏✨🙏✨🙏✨🙏✨ Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J. 🙏✨



James G Brennan
Literary Impulse

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.