The Lost Color

Literary Impulse:Prompt

Era Garg
Literary Impulse


Image by the writer

She was a lost colour of the rainbow, neither praised nor chased – appearing and disappearing over a gushing waterfall – hidden in a plump bead of water emitting refracted light

Or a wild geranium with violet blooms growing underneath mighty pines, flitting with profusion of unseen, unapplauded, minuscule identities, merged between elevations of earth and sky

Maybe an unwanted punctuation to the beauty of nature, a futile existence in unhindered wild; leaping between water bead’s fluidity and flower bud’s confines

She was a colour beyond palette of seasons, blossoming only in creator’s mind, one moment glowing brighter than geraniums, swinging vivaciously over waterfall’s sparkle another time.

Era Garg March 2023

Thanks, Priyanka Srivastava for the amazing prompt. Let’s celebrate the lost colours as well.



Era Garg
Literary Impulse

An enthusiast balancing chemistry with pen & poetry, painting nature , exploring my identity in universe.