A Literary Impulse Prompt

Unusual Poetic Forms

Let’s Get Scribbling

Somsubhra Banerjee
Literary Impulse
Published in
7 min readApr 24, 2024


Title: Still Life with a Copy of De Waere Mercurius. Provider: Rijksmuseum. Providing Country: Netherlands. Public Domain

Okay, so, yes, we have been away for a long time. We love our little publication from the bottom of our hearts, and never wanted to drift away from being able to publish some of the best poets and authors from across Medium. But, as they say, life takes some hairpin bends, and you cannot do anything but be the puppet to the dances that life takes you on. But here we are again, 24th of April, 2024. Ready for a re-start, a comeback of sorts, hoping that this time around, there would be less of those hairpin bends, except for some meandering paths here and there. Let’s see.

In 2021, we did a prompt challenge, that involved some of the most Uncommon Poetic Forms, and we received some exceptional poetry on the same. While discussing with Priyanka, we thought, why not bring it back? The fun everyone had that time around, why not have that fun again?

So, here you go, the list of Uncommon poetic forms, for everyone reading this, old and new. I will list everything down, and tag some of our amazing writers, and hopefully, you all are pumped up just like us and get ready to create some magnificent poetry.

Oh, and if you feel you would rather write a prose-poem, and not get bogged down by metres and syllables, you’re most welcome. Please…



Somsubhra Banerjee
Literary Impulse

Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!:)