What Do I Call A Home


Literary Impulse


Photo by Gregory Pappas on Unsplash

the journey i am on
what do i call a home
the place i go to or
the place i come from

you talk about places
these towns and these cities
more than anywhere on this earth
it’s been the moon
i have lived in

being the traveler i am
why to stop at moon
the beyond i go
looking for a home
where two points will merge
where the horizons will disappear

even if it is in circles
i have walked through
i have traveled in space
time i have cut through

so many homes on the way
the homes i keep visiting
you get tired and
life needs to rest
you can’t keep walking

i still smile in my dreams
spotting a snake i still scream
my heart still beats
and i still breathe
but i am dead
when i sleep

