What does Eudaimonia mean to you?

A Literary Impulse & Paper Poetry Collaboration Prompt

Rahul S
Literary Impulse


One thing we all seek or think we are seeking is happiness. Happiness. Isn’t it a strange word? Because even if run and run after it, we are never able to understand it. Or do we?

Come to think of it, perhaps, this is one of the biggest reasons we write — We want to understand what Eudaemonia is, for us. What is it, for you?

Of course, you can google all you want. You can read hundreds of essays. A Greek word made famous by Aristotle, who was an earthbound philosopher and polymath, Eudaemonia might be one of the most important words in the lives of humans, some of whom run after fame, some after comfort, and some after power. We are all different. But not so different. We are all on the same boat, which cannot be overturned by mere words-one of them Eudaemonia.

Then why do we need to define what is happiness for us? — is a question I don’t want to answer. Perhaps this is what I’m seeking. Though this prompt, which comes and goes, and brightens the day of mere mortals like me, who want to live a comfortable life. Yes! That is Eudaemonia for me — a walk in the lap of nature. A meditative conversation with the self. And an end of suffering.

