Why Am I a Wanderer?

In this short piece, I try to delve into the nature of fragmentation, desires, and the reasons of my being a wanderer.

Rahul S
Literary Impulse


Why I am here again? Don’t ask me. I am not answering yet.

Anyway, the question is superfluous. As it has already been asked so many times. I am fragmented — one can say. We are all fragmented — one can also say. But this word is meaningless by itself. Fragmented. We have to qualify ‘why’.

So, why are we fragmented?

I think it has to do with our desires. There are too many of them. We are fractured souls looking at the universe from fractured viewpoints, but trying to legitimize a kind of uniformity at the same time. The uniformity of pervasiveness of our desires. Unity in diversity — a forced concept. A fake uniformity. For there is no unity. Just as there is no diversity. We are all one. Fragmented. With fragmented views. So we cannot see the one. So, life is not death. For us. It is only pursuance of one desire after another.

— —

Maybe it’s the thunderclouds. They are gurgling outside. I wait. For what? I don’t know. And even my stomach gurgles. A thundercloud is floating inside the cave of my stomach, which should have been full. But it is not. And I am not hungry even. I am not as…

