Theresa May finally clarifies her Brexit position

Graham Stewart
Literate Business
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2017


Photo by Austin Neill

After months during which Theresa May repeated — ad nauseam — the mantra that “Brexit means Brexit”, we finally have clarification from the Prime Minister.

In a speech today, she confirmed that Brexit now means hard Brexit.

While the churlish may point out that this really only adds a single word to her previous definition, that additional word signals a bold move.

Faced with a European Union whose member countries appear to hover between indifference and hostility towards the UK, Theresa (yes we) May has wielded the shears and hacked her nose off to show them all what’s what. This is the new road to making Britain great again. (We could get T-shirts and baseball caps with that slogan.)

We’re taking back control. Nobody will tell us any longer what rights humans should have. When it comes to pollution and the environment, nobody will put the planet before profits at our expense, I fully anticipate that May’s next announcement will be for a Channel Wall — and the French will pay for it.

The Tory plan for Britain’s greatness depends — simply — on making the UK a tax haven. When we have nothing left to export and the bulk of our national services are owned by foreign governments, all we have left as an option to attract foreign capital — as long as the foreigners themselves don’t follow, of course — is to offer low taxes and no questions.

The dawn of a new age.

I’m feeling great already.

