How Other Teachers Have Given Students Choice in Projects

John Mitchell
3 min readNov 13, 2018


It is important for students to be given the choice of how to complete a project. In my own personal experience, I found that I when I was given more creative liberties in regards to how I would go about completing a project, I always learned more and was able to articulate what I learned in the form of whichever path I chose. I love to draw, and so I would always try to draw out a scene, especially if I was completing the project for an English or History class. As long as I followed the parameters that were laid out for me in the rubric, I would get a decent grade. The point is, it does not matter how the project is completed, so long as the student demonstrates an understanding of what it is they are presenting.

One of my favorite examples of choice is in the video below:

This is a video of students in a math class presenting the Pythagorean Theorem. This is a prime example of students being given choice because these guys could have presented this in any sort of way, from a paper to a powerpoint, yet they chose rap. They present a knowledge of the material, and also engage the listeners and hopefully these listeners will remember this in the future.

Another example of other teachers who have given students choice comes from a quote by Brad Latimer, a teacher who was interviewed by “Student choice plays a central role in many of the larger projects that my Algebra 2 and Calculus students complete. For example, at the end of the second quarter, my Calculus students work with a partner of their choice to build a website focused on applications of derivative functions. (Here is the project description.) While I give students certain parameters for the project (they must include research and original example problems with solutions for specific types of functions, each illustrating a derivative rule that they have studied), both the format and specific content of each group’s web page is completely up to the students. They have complete freedom when researching/creating examples of the different derivative applications. I am regularly blown away by the final products that students produce through this project. They are able to focus on various themes that are meaningful to them for each type of function, and to incorporate their own personal creativity in designing the web page.” (Brad Latimer, While this quote is extremely long, it does a wonderful job illustrating why choice in projects is important. I especially liked how it included a link to his drive so that any prospective teachers could get some insight as to how to organize projects in the future.

Another example that I found was this video about kids writing rap to learn biology:

While this is not necessarily a project, I thought that it further demonstrated how choice can be used because they could have been forced to write notes, watch a powerpoint, etc. but again, this shows how there does not have to be a set way to learn something, or in the case of projects, present something.

Choice is one of the most important aspects of assigning projects. It helps students to be creative, think independently, and altogether learn more effectively. As the above videos have shown, the students in each case were able to demonstrate that they had learned the material effectively by presenting the material in a creative way that they thought of independently. I want to reiterate that it does not matter how the material is presented, so long as it is learned effectively and in a way that will make the material easier to recall.


Block, J. (2014, October/November). Student Choice Leads to Student Voice. Retrieved from

Molly11234. (2012, December 18). Pythagorean Theorem Rap. Retrieved from

NewsHour, P. (2013, March 27). Songs for Biology: Students Write Hip-Hop to Learn Science. Retrieved from

