How to Transform Jane Eyre Into a Modern, New Bestseller

The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins

Melissa Gouty
Literature Lust


Photo by Ryan Searle on Unsplash

The Wife Upstairs: A Recreating of the Classic Jane Eyre

The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins is a retelling of Jane Eyre for a modern audience. Set in an ultra-wealthy subdivision of Birmingham, Alabama, The Wife Upstairs is the story of Jane, a girl with a dark, troubled past, who takes a job as a dog-walker to the affluent citizens of Thornfield Estates.

When she pauses in the middle of the street to look at the most beautiful, oldest, and most interesting house in the neighborhood, a red car zooms out of the driveway, knocking her over and causing her to collide with Eddie Rochester. Eddie is handsome and is so taken with Jane that he buys an Irish Setter puppy named Adele for Jane to dog-walk.

The story evolves into a whirlwind courtship between Eddie and Jane. As their relationship progresses, Jane discovers more about Eddie’s former wife, Bea, who has been missing for almost a year. Bea had created a home decorating and gift empire called “Southern Manors” and is now a multi-millionaire. But their wealthy lifestyle doesn’t preclude trouble.

Friction exists everywhere. Between friends. Between spouses. Between neighbors who exist in a gorgeous…



Melissa Gouty
Literature Lust

Writer, teacher, speaker, and observer of human nature. Content for HVAC & Plumbing Businesses. Author of The Magic of Ordinary. LiteratureLust and GardenGlory.