See the World in Vibrant Color with The Rainbow Atlas

Visit 500 of the world’s most colorful places

Melissa Gouty
Literature Lust
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2020


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The color and creativity concept

For the last year, I’ve been doing research to verify what I KNOW is true:

“Color makes me more creative.”

Surprisingly, I’ve found lots of articles about how colors affect moods. Blues and greens are cool colors, calming and tranquil. Green is natural and soothing, possibly because of how the color itself is processed. It’s focused directly on your retina, so your eye muscles don’t have to work as hard. Blues are associated with the water and the sky and can promote serenity and peace.

Yellows and oranges can stimulate appetite. Reds can increase blood pressure, adrenaline, and anger.

But so far, I can’t find much that supports my theory that seeing lots of color stimulates the imagination. Some research exists that suggests there’s a link between viewing art and an increase in creativity, but those studies are not focused on my “color concept.” The science of creativity is an emerging field, and research on what makes us creative is just getting started. I’m positive that this kind of research is coming, and my theory will be validated. (And if you know of any existing research on color and…



Melissa Gouty
Literature Lust

Writer, teacher, speaker, and observer of human nature. Content for HVAC & Plumbing Businesses. Author of The Magic of Ordinary. LiteratureLust and GardenGlory.