Lition joins Bundesblock

To date, Lition has been actively involved in supporting the German government on blockchain regulation. In this role, Lition’s CEO engaged multiple times in the discussion of blockchain related topics, in particular that of STOs, and is currently advising Senator Thomas Heilmann (as reported also by this article on Coindesk).

By becoming a member of Bundesblock, Lition will be able to strengthen even more its relationship with the German Government thanks to the significant political exposures this community brings to the table. The main goal of the Association is to educate both law makers and industry-leading organisations about Blockchain and its implication in different areas of focus as GDPR, cybersecurity, healthcare and energy, to name a few, inviting its members to actively participate in the discussion.

Of course, Lition will not be alone in this: Bundesblock brings together the most relevant blockchain companies in Germany, such as the Deutsche Telekom, Ocean, Parity, Xain and IOTA. A full list, now including Lition, is displayed on their website

This would most definitely be an outstanding source of networking opportunities, which Lition can use to confront its ideas with different solutions and point of view on existing problems; and who knows, maybe also some partnerships or collaborations! But for the moment we will leave this to the rumours of our more indiscrete community members.

By joining Bundesblock, Lition will be given the chance to express its potential reaching a larger audience and obtaining valuable feedbacks, which can later be used to improve its use cases. This freshly gained exposure provided by the association’s network and the presence of influential individuals will positively affect Lition’s intent be a leading STO infrastructure that is fully compliant with European regulation.

