Writing Contest: My Netflix Fix

Prizes have been updated!

Alyssa Black
3 min readMar 1, 2018


Life is busy. That’s why it’s extra important to find time to relax. And what better way to relax than to plop down in front of the old boob tube for an episode or two (or five)?

CC0 Creative Commons

TV and film have been staples of pop culture for decades, and the advent of video streaming services has made these media more readily accessible than ever before. According to Time Magazine, 75 million people streamed an average of 1.5 hours a day in 2015 alone. While there are dozens of services, Netflix is a leading provider, granting users access to 1,609 shows and 6,494 movies (2016).

Because of its ease and simplicity, Netflix has become a daily part of life for people from nearly every sphere. This is why Get Lit has selected our first writing contest topic to be My Netflix Fix.

Contest details are below. If you would like help with any part of the writing process, please visit the Writing Center at either the Hammond or Westville campus. Click here for information on “Writing for Get Lit,” a workshop with one of our editors on March 22nd.

What is “My Netflix Fix” and how can I write about it?

Netflix fix: A show or genre that one watches often or for a long duration

“Sons of Anarchy” Creative Commons

Here are a few ways you might consider the topic:
Review your favorite show, connecting it with your life
ex. “How It’s Always Sunny taught me how to appreciate my family”

A list article about certain episodes of interest in a series
ex. “Top 5 times Scully saves Mulder in The X-Files”

A commentary on current events related to a Netflix series
ex. “Why I like the show Louis but despise Louis CK’s actions against women”

A commentary on a show or genre
ex. “How Sons of Anarchy promotes a negative image of biker culture”

These are just a few suggestions —interpret the topic in your own creative way!

What are the requirements for submission?

Click here for instruction on becoming a writer and submitting to Get Lit.
Your submission must be your own work.
All quotes and images used must credit their source.
You must be a PNW student or alumni to participate in this contest.

When do I submit?

Submissions will be accepted from March 1st until May 1st. The winner will be announced within two weeks of the deadline.

Is there a prize? UPDATED!

Besides the knowledge that you are an excellent writer? Just kidding, you definitely deserve a prize! There will be three winners.

Third place will win $25.
Second place will win $50.

First place will win $100!

How will the winner be determined?

In short, the winner will be determined by how many accolades their piece receives. Claps received, as well as how many unique users have clapped for the piece will be considered. In the case of a tie, the editors reserve the right to make a final selection.



Alyssa Black

teacher, student, reader, writer, Oblivion enthusiast