Top Ten Things I Was Grateful For In 2016

by Amanda Leduc

Little Fiction
Little Fiction | Big Truths
3 min readDec 23, 2016


2016. It was, as they say, a year. But there were good parts about it too, and as the year comes to a close, I’m thinking a lot about some of the moments, people, and things that made the year so special.

  1. The FOLD. I started working for The Festival of Literary Diversity in February of this year, and it’s blown my world open in a way I never could have anticipated. I’ve met so many wonderful, passionate people through this work, and I’ve been lucky enough to find some new passions and causes of my own to advocate for as a result of this involvement. Huzzah!
  2. Those who’ve gone before us. It might seem strange to say that one is grateful for such a thing, but the passing this year of a number of artists has made me think long and hard about the gifts that they gave to the world. David Bowie, Leonard Cohen, Prince, Alan Rickman — you are missed, and we were all so lucky to have you, even if only for a time.
  3. Driving through lonely mountain ranges on the Dempster Highway in the Yukon. My sister moved to the Northwest Territories this summer, and I made the trip out with her. Nine days in the car, nine days of spectacular scenery, nine days of the Tragically Hip on the radio. Nine (or more) buffalo by the side of the road. Zero polar bears. (Sadly.) It was unbelievable, and driving the Dempster Highway is something that everyone should do at least once.
  4. And speaking of the Tragically Hip… My mother and I, en route to Calgary for Part One of the Great Canadian Road Trip, pulled into a hotel in Dryden, Ontario, just in time to catch the broadcast of the last Tragically Hip concert in Kingston. It’s not every day that you get to see three hours of Gord Downie and the boys broadcast nationwide. Thanks for that, CBC.
  5. Two weeks of blissful writing time in Banff. After a difficult few years of struggling with my own writing — trying to find the time, trying to find the words, you know how it goes — I got to spend fourteen — FOURTEEN — whole days with the mountains and a new project. It was pretty awesome, and I’m already trying to figure out when I can do it again.
  6. A chance to say goodbye. 2016 was a year of big changes for me — new job, new outlook, new projects, new everything. But along with the new came the letting go of a lot of things. It was easier than I’d expected. It was time.
  7. A new house. I moved! After a year of growth — and growing out of a lot of things — I packed up my little attic apartment and moved to somewhere… that wasn’t an attic. I am still settling in, and grateful for every minute of it.
  8. A dishwasher. DID I MENTION THAT MY NEW HOUSE HAS A DISHWASHER? #bestapplianceever
  9. A clawfoot tub. And bubble bath. It’s like a mini vacation in one magical bottle, and I can’t get enough.
  10. Gregory Alan Isakov and Florence + the Machine. I’ve had these two on constant repeat everywhere — in the car, on the iPod, at home, at work. They’ve helped me walk a long road. Wonder on one side, gratitude on the other, and my unsteady footsteps somewhere in between.

About the author

What can we say about Amanda that Kevin Hardcastle hasn’t already raved about on Twitter? She is resilient, rabble-rousing, and talented as all get out. When Amanda isn’t editing nonfiction here at Little Fiction | Big Truths, she’s hustling for the Festival of Literary Diversity. And when she isn’t doing that, she’s baking up a storm. And when she isn’t baking, she’s soaking in her claw foot tub. Because everybody needs a minute to themselves.

Originally published at



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Little Fiction | Big Truths

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