Toy-Grabbing: A Fun Weekend Activity for Families

Little Korea
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2023
Image provided by author

It was a beautiful weekend, and my family and I were excited to experience one of Korea’s most popular pastimes: toy-grabbing! As we entered the arcade, we were amazed by the sheer number of toy-grabbing machines surrounding us. We could see stuffed animals, figurines, and even remote-controlled cars waiting to be claimed by the lucky winners.

We huddled together as a family, each of us picking a machine to tackle. I chose a machine with lots of cute little Kakao Friends that I knew my daughter would love. The technique for grabbing the toy seemed simple, but, to say for truth, it was harder than we thought. The claw would move back and forth and up and down, controlled by a joystick.

Our first few tries were unsuccessful, but we didn’t give up. We kept trying and adjusting our techniques. We learned how to time our movements, how to adjust the claw’s grip, and how to aim for the best possible spot to grab the toy.

Finally, on my daughter’s fourth try, she successfully grabbed one of Kakao Friend toy! We all cheered and hugged each other. The excitement and joy when a toy was correctly grabbed and released out of the machine was truly priceless!

Image provided by author

As the day went on, we continued to play with the machines, trying our luck at different toys and even teaming up to take on the bigger, more challenging machines. Each success brought us more confidence and joy.

By the end of the day, we had won quite a few toys, including colorful little whales, a Kakao Friend toy, a cute pikachu, and a little blue bear. We were exhausted but elated. We had spent hour grabbing and releasing toys, honing our skills and enjoying the thrill of the game.

Image provided by author

As we left the arcade, we couldn’t help but feel richer in experience and memories that we would cherish for years to come. The happiness and excitement we felt that day were priceless. I know that it will become one of our family’s favorite activities to do during our free time.



Little Korea

A grateful mom who savors life's small joys, from tasty dishes to precious family moments. Sharing my thoughts on all aspects of the journey of parenthood.