Hello, Little Love Lines

Lola Rosario
Little Love Lines
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2022


A Publication is Born

sunset, Supetar, mediterranean
Image: Author’s gallery: Sunset over Supetar, Croatia

Hola & Welcome to Little Love Lines!

I am so excited to be typing this first entry and even more elated to have your eyes here! Creating this publication has been on my mind for the past few months.

Birthing 3-L

The backstory began over a decade ago. Though, if I think philosophically, it may have started even before I was conceived. You see, there are three other words that describe what moves me:

I love Love.

Long before my first marriage (in February 2009) and even after the divorce in September 2014, I never stopped believing in the magic of romance. With Medium and since my travel blog, I have fallen back in love with writing.

Looking for ways to improve my craft, I came across The New York Times section, Modern Love. It is there where I found Tiny Love Stories — short, 100-word pieces filled with reminders of our shared humanity.

The Purpose

That little four-letter word holds a world of emotions, experiences, and thoughts. I wanted to create a space where folks can express themselves in a myriad of ways. Brief essays, opinion pieces, a letter to yourself, poetry — all can work.

