You Can Dream Big And Start Small

Kavita H.
Little Notes
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2024
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Dreams are powerful. They can inspire us, push us beyond our limits, and help us achieve seemingly impossible things. But only if we let them.

Big bold dreams can be scary. And they can take a long time to be fulfilled. Yet, these are not reasons not to pursue big dreams.

Dreaming big and starting small is a powerful concept that can lead to great achievements.


When you visualize the bigger picture and work towards it piece by piece. In small manageable steps.

The small start allows you to build momentum, gain confidence, and learn along the way.

By breaking down big dreams into small, manageable steps, you can make progress without feeling paralyzed by how big the overall task is.

Mindset Matters

Starting small doesn’t mean thinking small — it means being strategic and intentional about the actions you take.

It is remaining positive and reminding yourself that every step and lesson along the way teaches you something. Even if the lesson is how to manage when things don’t go according to plan. Or how to bounce back from a failure.

If you think it is meaningless then you will try to skip the steps and the lessons that build long-term sustainability.

Increasing Capacity

We can sustain well what we learn to manage well.

Sometimes growing too quickly ends up being the point that breaks the camel's back because the lesson of managing a small thing well was never learned.

As you take small steps and move towards your bigger goal, you learn the valuable lessons of managing well what you do have. Your capacity in multiple areas grows.

Small Goals

Each small step you take brings you closer to your dream, and before you know it, you may find yourself much closer to your goal than you ever imagined.

The process of achieving your big goals with micro steps involves setting achievable short-term goals that ultimately contribute to the larger vision.

Whether it’s starting a new business, pursuing a creative project, or making a career change, taking small steps consistently can lead to significant results over time.

Final Thoughts

If your dream feels out of reach, don’t take this as a sign to hit the stop button.

See the opportunity to start small, pivot when necessary, and increase your capacity as you grow.

Remind yourself of this. Big accomplishments all begin with a single decision.

Don’t be afraid to dream big. And you should most definitely never underestimate the power of starting small.

Celebrate the small victories along the way, stay focused, and trust the process.

With determination, perseverance, and a willingness to start small, you can turn your biggest dreams into reality.

