Here’s Something I Like (Not that Anyone Asked): Supergoop! City Sunscreen Serum

Mary Cella
4 min readDec 1, 2017


Hi, I’m Mary, and this is my new column about things I like!

Me, liking something (photo credit Gregory Sparks)

One person once told me I have nice skin, which I interpreted as desperate plea from the masses to share my skin secrets with the world. If you don’t think I have nice skin, you can stop reading now and go fuck yourself.

My skin

For those of you still reading, thank you so much for the compliment! You’re too sweet. I will now reward your kindness with one of my skin secrets. Ready? I use a natural SPF 30 face lotion everyday. In general, I try to use natural, organic products, mostly because I’m afraid of chemicals, but also because I like feeling superior.

A few years ago, I realized I wasn’t 23 anymore (I was 24 JK LOL kill me!), and that I needed to start doing everything in my power to prevent my skin from aging because, as we all know, aging is the worst thing that could ever possibly happen to a woman. You know those people who say they would never want to be 17 again? I am not one of them. I would love to be 17 again. When I was 17, I had no wrinkles and there was still a flicker of hope in Britney Spears’s eyes.

Since I can’t go back in time or refrigerate my face (I have a theory, based on my one very beautiful and cheap aunt, that people who sleep in cold rooms age exceptionally well, which is why I keep my bedroom window open even in the winter), I decided what I had to do was be vigilant about sunscreen. I’d been using a daily lotion with SPF 15 for years, of course, because I’m not an idiot. But I wanted more. I wanted SPF 30! And I wanted it to be as natural as possible.

Thus began my journey. I scoured the blogs and found a couple of recommended options, including this:

Sanre Organic Skinfood SPF 30

It’s called Skinfood, and if there’s one thing I love, it’s putting food on my skin, so obviously I had to buy it. Unfortunately, I found it to be too thick for daily wear. Its consistency is closer to a balm than a lotion so, a couple of years later, I still have a nearly full container sitting in my medicine cabinet. Sometimes I use it during the winter, when my skin gets really dry.

So, my quest continued. Next, I tried this:

Josie Maran Argan Daily Moisturizer SPF 47

A friend recommended it, and I bought it in a little sample set at Sephora. I liked it more than the Sanre, but found it to be too greasy for everyday wear. Like the Sanre, I still use it on occasion during the winter, but it’s not a good everyday option for me.

At this point, I was discouraged, but determined to complete my mission. And good thing, because shortly after I dumped my Josie Maran moisturizer, I fell in love:

Supergoop! City Sunscreen Serum SPF 30

I read about Supergoop on a blog I trust, so though it’s expensive, I decided to splurge. It was, hands down, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my entire life. It’s the perfect lotion: substantial enough to wear alone (over some vitamin C serum, obviously) in the summer, light enough to wear under my favorite winter moisturizer during the cold months. I usually mix it with a dab of MAC BB cream (I know I said I try to use mostly all-natural products, but my friend gets a discount at MAC and who am I to resist a high-quality deal?) and then I’m ready to take on the world, or sit in my apartment for another three hours filming Instagram stories. To be perfectly honest, I’m not really sure if Supergoop! even is all-natural, but the blog that recommended it normally only suggests organic(ish) products, and I love this lotion so much I don’t even care if it’s full of chemicals.

OK, well there you have it: one of my skin secrets. You’re welcome!

I should clarify that this is NOT a sponsored post. No one gave me any free products or money or anything for this post or anything else I’ve written this month. In fact, I sank a lot of cash into this mission to find the perfect SPF 30 natural face cream, and regularly waste more money on my skincare than I care to admit. So if anyone ever wants to give me literally anything for free, beauty product or not, I WILL TAKE IT!!!!!!

Anyway, I hope this was helpful. I’ll be back with more unsolicited recommendations soon!

