These Women Like, Can’t Even, With How Fast Time Is Going!

Lauren Morris
2 min readJan 17, 2018


Jennifer Stewart, 34, is in complete shock! Surely there is no way the Earth traveled around the Sun yet again! Even more unbelievable is that her two year old, is in fact TWO! Like, wow, when did that happen? It feels just like yesterday that she was going to her first Mommy and Me class at Gymboree but according to her Facebook memories it was 18 months ago! Jennifer is documenting how fast time is going with Instagram at least seven times a day. Incredible!

Kelly Hanson, 42, Godparent to Joshua can’t even! Nine years just like that has flown by. Kelly just has no idea where the time has gone even though she has bought three different cars, five smartphones, two computers and her condo! Wow!

Tabitha Conrad, 37, is an aunt for the fourth time and just wants time to stop for just like one minute, okay! For real, Tabitha, who refuses to look at a clock, use a calendar, and has tattooed on her forearm “Yesterday is HISTORY, tomorrow is a MYSTERY, but today is a GIFT. That is why it is called PRESENT”, needs everything to just slow down because if she is an Aunt for the fourth time what does that really mean about HER life? Ugh, if time could just take a time out!

Bunny Simon, 62, is a grandma and Horologist (someone who literally studies time) cannot believe that her children are old enough to have children. Like, how did this happen? Bunny literally needs to know. She is holding a beautiful child in her arms and is now a grandmother and she for real doesn’t even know where the time has gone! Amazing!

Charlotte Goodwin, 26, totally, in no way, and literally can’t even. Like wow, when did she become so old? Ugh, literally just last year she was on her parents’ insurance, phone, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Planet Fitness plan. Now, she is now expected to support herself AND keep track of time. SO CRAZY!



Lauren Morris

I write comedy when my life has seen tragedy. The next chapter in my life is blank and it’s time to fill the pages. You can find more at