Buying a house in Silicon Valley during the pandemic.

A distant dream became a reality thanks to six months of perseverance, patience, and the help of my incredible team.

Noor Ali-Hasan
Little Pink Taqueria


A bottle of champaign, a bottle of sparkling apple cider, two paper cups, and a house key.
Celebrating closing day. Photo by author.

It was a Saturday morning in September. I walked into my kitchen to find a steady stream of water leaking from the popcorn ceiling. The new air conditioner that my landlord had installed a month prior was leaking yet again. The HVAC installers had been out to my rental the day before and assured me that they had fixed the source of the leak.

It was their fourth visit to fix the leak.

And that was my breaking point and the moment when I decided I’m going to buy a house.

In Silicon Valley.

In the middle of a pandemic.

Of course, this wasn’t the first time that I’d thought about buying a house. I’ve wanted to buy a house ever since I finished grad school and moved to the Bay Area nearly fifteen years ago. But I live in one of the most expensive and competitive real estate markets in the country. Saving for a downpayment was no easy task. I’d look at homes on Redfin and Zillow and be disappointed with what my budget could buy me in the Bay Area. So I continued to save and the idea of owning a home continued to be a distant dream.



Noor Ali-Hasan
Little Pink Taqueria

I’m a UX research lead at Google, where I help teams design and build desirable and easy to use products. Outside of work, I love art, Peloton, and Lego.