Five No-Nos at Work

Ovin Park
Little Principle
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2019

Remember the time when just get into design business, you have big passion to spend and you promise yourself that you are going to make some amazing design to make yourself stand out from others. But since when, your thoughts and ideas are not being taken seriously, and become a follower instead of leader anymore? It’s hard to maintain good credibility, but it’s very easy to destroy it, only takes small mistakes that happens during every cooperating experience, so now let’s make a checklist to make sure we will not make the following mistakes.

Place the core value of draft at wrong direction

Starting from the first concept, draft or proposal you shared with others, it is a representative for yourself, if you are cooperating with other departments, it’s the representative for whole design team, and so if you share a low quality material, it will lower your credibility easily, remember to share high quality design materials even at the first meeting, otherwise people will loose the expectation for future design proposals.

Solution: To remember what stage you are in, and to provide the on-point design proposals that match the core focus.

Ignore the affect that develop process required

You can come out with so many amazing design proposals, but it only matters if it can be used in real life, so you have to consider not only the visuals, but also the technologies that involved to see if the proposals are actually works and can be developed into real products. Do the research for developers is always a good way to closer the distance between designers and developers, and making them more willingly to try to achieve the design we want to make.

Solution: To learn the basic development knowledge, which allows you to understand the technical principle behind, and to embrace new technology as well, say bye bye to PNG, say hello to SVG.

Pay too much attention on unnecessary details

I know every detail matters, but there some occasions that you have to focus on much important parts, and take easy on the details a little bit. such as making a one-day event promoting material, or some details that hardly notice but will require much time to develop when the project is about to meet the deadline. The most important thing is that, you have to know how’a the priority should be and what’s the

Solution: To confirm the where this design will be used, how much time you have to do it, what’s the main propose of this design before you start to put the first anchor.

Close the door to others and refuse to communicate

The sense of trust based on and accumulate by the communication and interaction happen between people time to time, and people always like to work and get inspired by the person who can talk to, if you always refuse to communicate with others, eat lunch alone or playing your phone alone while hanging out for team-building events, the sense of trust will decreased gradually.

Solution: Listen to the coworker without pausing him when he is expressing his idea, try to be in his position to see what factors are infecting his thinking, to see if it’s reasonable, then you can give your suggestion from your profession and consideration. Communication is always the key!

Promise the thing that you are not sure you can achieve

Sometimes product manager might ask you when will you finish the design material he just give you, you have to consider all the requirements you get and give orders of the priority, then you can provide a proper throughput time to other team members. Otherwise, you will always delay for delivering out.

Solution: You got to have a plan! Define what’s doable, what can be postpone, what can be the core highlight, and what need more time to development. Also, when you are proposing your plan, you need to add few buffer time to deal with any unexpected solution.

Remember, once your credibility is broken, its hard to fix, so be careful to maintain it, say no to these no-no’s at work, and remember the key to have a healthy work style is always to stay passionate about the work you are making!

