Crazy Inventions I Made Back in High School

Ovin Park
Little Principle
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2018

As you might know, I am a designer, but only few of you might know that I am also a inventor in life as well lol. I like to find the solutions to solve problems, thats the reason why I got into design business, I also like to think of the product that is fulfilling people’s need. Here I wound love to show you some inventions I had come up with back in the high school time, although these ideas might seems too immature today, but i did had a lot of fun doing these concepts. Okay that’s go back in time to my high school, and go through the pages of my notebook.

Cleaner Strap (Subway/Bus strap)

1.Disinfectant 2.Remaining Indicator 3.Metal Supporter 4.Button 5.Spray Nozzle 6.Strap

Heres the truth, there are millions of people taking subway everyday, it means, the strap you are holding has been used by at least 100 persons a day. According to the research, the strap is much dirtier than your toilet seat, and heres the new generation of strap can keep you away from germs or anything unclean.

This is a strap with a build-in container, which fulfill with germicide inside, that can eliminate all the germs left on the strap.

Its super easy to use it, once you get in the subway, l you need to do is just simply press the button on the side of the strap and thats all, it will spray the germicide on the exact place where we need to hold, and we just wait for five seconds, now we can hold the strap with safety.

Eternal Vase (Vase)

You can paint on the surface of the vase.

When I start to think about the true meaning of ‘Eternal’, theres one word comes into my mind real soon, which is ‘Environment’. I believe the place we are living is the eternal home for us.

Based on this idea, I start to think about the connection between people and environment, and I just realize that the environment is not only the beginning of everything, but also the ending of everything. We never go away, we just go to where we belong, and that is the eternal.

To grow a planet in this vase, if we poured too much water to it, the excess water will be stored in the bottom of the vase, and so, we will not have to worry about the water will flow out or the planet will be soaked in the water for too long.

When the planet is lack of water, the water in the bottom will come up and supply through the evapotranspiration effect, and keeping a long term circulation as a result.

Actually, the eternal vase is a alert for us, it makes us to think deeper and encourage us to do some contribution to the environment. Once a little, I believe we can make huge difference to the world.

Never Drop (Tissue Box)

There are three main functions: Clear View/ Anti-drop Supporter / Cutting Edge.

Have you ever get into same situation before? When I need the tissue but I realize that I just cant get it? The tissue is stuck in the tissue box and very hard to take it out.

This tissue box is designed to solve this problem. The concept comes from human body, we can sit or stand because we have bones under the skins, they support our skins so that we will not fall apart. So as I think about the tissue box, I design a supporter under the path where the tissue is placed, and the tissue will not be easy to slip back to the tissue box as the result.

Theres one more problem need to be solved, sometimes we don’t need to use whole tissue if we just need to clean a small part, such as the time when we finish our meal, we just need a small piece of tissue to clean our mouth, many many scenarios like this one in our daily life, if we only take the true amount we need every time, we can save lots of tree as result.Theres a cutter in the front, when you feel this is what you need for this time, you just simply push down the tissue paper, it will be cut off, and the rest tissue paper will be saved for next time.

We can always contribute to the environment, even its just a very small step.

RePeel (Peeler with Peel Container)

Helping environment is become so easy.

Don’t you think its very wasted? Every time we eat a fruit, the peel we cut down are mostly treated as garbage and throw into the trash can, actually these peels we think as garbage are rich in the nutritional value.

This brand new peeler comes with container. Put seeds in the container first, than start to paring the fruit, such as apple, the peel will drop into the container and cover up the seeds, than becoming the nutrient element for the seeds. After finishing the paring process, we can take out the container and become a small planet pot. We can collect many pots or just use one pot to collect all the peels.

Some people think peels are just garbage and no value in use, but this peeler find its value, and the value is good for the nature. The issue of global warming is getting higher, we can help by every small steps we make in our daily life.

Hope (Water filter ball)

Play with it. Have some fun. Get fresh water to drink.

This is a water filter created in the ball shape, and the scenario is in Africa. When people in Africa go out and find some liquid, all they need to do is to put the liquid into the ball and wait, the ball will filter out the impurities and bacteria, than output the clean water for drinking.

If the user is a child, he can actually use the water filter ball as a ball and play with it. After he put the liquid into the ball, they can start to play with the ball, with the rubber coating, he doesn’t need to worry about breaking the ball. When they are playing, the ball will be spinning around, through the principle of centrifugal force, it will accelerate the speed and effect.

Is always been so much fun thinking and making these concepts, although the outcome seems to be really immature in these days, I still believe that few of these concepts still have certain market potential if they get deeper development.

Lol, how do you guys think about these concepts? Leave you comments down below :)

