Fallen Angel

by Ro Wallen

ro wallen
Little Stories by Ro Wallen
1 min readNov 13, 2013


You have given up,was done with the likes of us. Taken yourself out of this space and time that was tearing you down. Into a hell that has no words of release. Held captive by a heart could not let go, seeking your truth. We could do nothing but watch, fearful of the outcome. Such a war has never been witnessed between the good and evil in one soul! The torment! It has shaken us to our very being! What could we do? Oh the promises we would make! But you are no longer listening. You have torn yourself apart before us, broken and bleeding upon the ground! Dare we come near? One among us is brave. Passing the rest approaches. Trembling in fear, hands reach out and take the fallen angel in a loving embrace. Held as a child, the bloodied head rests there and he weeps. “Know I now love and I am at peace”………….Ro



ro wallen
Little Stories by Ro Wallen

, love few but love them much., ,writer of very short stories,dreamer…got a thing for Elves too!!!