Book Review- The Dog Who Saved the World

Nalini Roy
The Lil Switch
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2022
Image Credit: Goodreads

Why I liked this book:

I loved this book because there were so many little details that all came together to form a really great story plot and twists,

I did think it a little strange her dad asked barely any questions on where she was in the beginning but otherwise I think it was great!

It does get a little scary in parts like when the scorpions come.

The end is really exciting and tough to leave (I told my dad I’d only read one chapter but I ended up finishing 13!)

The plot is amazing and really well thought out — I’ve read other books by the author and loved it equally.

I also really love the cover of the books — All the books by this author have really really amazing covers — they’re really colourful and they definitely stand out on my (giant) bookshelf!

Overall it’s a really amazing book with twists and turns. I love the combination of action and it’s also funny as well. (Oops, almost forgot to add this bit — I definitely recommend this book!)

(Rating at the bottom of this post)


This book is written by Ross Welford

Georgie is 11 years old and loves her dog, Mr Mash, a lot. Like, a lot. But when a terribly deadly disease endangers all of the dogs, and now humans, she and Mr Mash need to find a way to save the world. After all, it was her fault.

She and her friend Ramzy meet an old scientist, Dr Pretorius, and are subjects for a VR 3D version of the future. Can the experiment, maybe, save all of humanity?

But when the 3D VR future has a glitch, her dog Mr Mash could possibly die, the cure for the CBE dog disease isn’t existing yet, the Dr might be lying, and it’s up to them to get the cure, its a lot of things to do.

But with scorpions chasing after them, Dr Pretorius in the hospital and the world in chaos…

…Can they still save the world?

I really enjoyed this book and I rate it 9 ❤s out of 10❤s!



Nalini Roy
The Lil Switch

Book reviewer, author and book-worm. I love cartwheels, handstands and dogs. I’m 11 and I love writing reviews- Learn more on