Book Review- Time Travelling With A Hamster

Nalini Roy
The Lil Switch
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2022


“This astonishing and original novel will make you laugh, cry and wonder — and wish you could turn back time, to start reading it all over again”

That really is a summary of what I thought of this book.

It was so well planned, the teeniest, tiniest detail ended up to be the world’s biggest clue in the book. (No spoilers on what!)

Every single character had their personality- be it goth, weird, funny or curious- and each one was unique. Even a character who in the beginning seemed annoying turned out to be kinda nice!

But my favourite thing was the plot-

“I suppose if you’d asked me before, I’d have said a time machine might look like something like a submarine? Or perhaps a space rocket.”

“Instead, I’m looking at a laptop and a tin tub from a garden centre.”

This was believable, like lots of books by this author, the plot may seem impossible and just fantasy fiction, but the way the books are written- It's so convincing I could imagine this happening. Prepare to get fooled by convincing writing in this book! You’ll believe it by the end of the book for sure.

The only thing I would change is, the Time Travelling With A Hamster name is a little unfitting- because it didn’t feature the hamster very much. Yes, though the biggest problem was because of the hamster, it didn’t actually have many parts with the hamster.

But, while the name might have been the reason you chose this book review, it doesn’t make it a less fun read at all and I still recommend it 100%!

(Rating at the bottom of this post)


“My dad died twice. Once when he was thirty-nine and again four years late when he was twelve. (He’s going to die a third time as well, which seems a bit rough on him, but I can’t help that)”

Al’s dad died twice. But only the second time was his fault. When Al finds out there’s a way to save his dad, through a laptop and a tin tub time machine, he ventures into the past, to save his dad.

“It’s about to change the world- literally. Well, mine at any rate.”

He learns to drive a motorcycle (He’s twelve), breaks into his own house, takes a computer into the past, meets his dad as a kid and becomes best friends with him. And let’s not forget the fact that he time travelled.

Al’s job was to save his dad. Instead, he killed him for a second time. And hopefully not a third time.

Can Al save his dad? Read more to find out!

I rate this book 8 ❤s out of 10 ❤s



Nalini Roy
The Lil Switch

Book reviewer, author and book-worm. I love cartwheels, handstands and dogs. I’m 11 and I love writing reviews- Learn more on