Book Review- Who Let The Gods Out Series

Nalini Roy
The Lil Switch
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2022
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Oh. My. Wow. This series was just so amazing, and I can’t count how many times I’ve read it over and over. It was so deep, absolutely hilarious and heartbreakingly sad. I actually can’t believe I came across such an amazing book. I don’t think I can come up with any improvements at all.

There were so many twists and turns and all the characters were unique. Elliot, the main character, was kind, caring and overall hilarious. SPOILER ALERT! But don’t take him as a completely good guy…

Virgo, the constellation, was just so funny in the way she spoke and her ideas and jokes were so terribly bad it was hilarious. It was fun to watch her learn the ways of humans and make straightforward, obvious and hilarious points.

Elliot’s mum was confusing, strange and loving and I really liked her a lot, even though you couldn't really understand her. (No spoilers on why!)

And who can forget, the villain, Thanatos, The Daemon of Death? He was terrifying, but he had a funny sense of humour and his brother Hypnos completely baffled, distracted & confused me all in one.

All the characters were absolutely terrifying, none of them completely good, or completely terrible. It was a really amazing read and so amazing. And, I think you can guess what I’m going to say, I definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely recommend it.

(Rating at the bottom of the page)


This book has 4 books in the series: Who Let the Gods Out, Simply the Quest, Beyond the Odyssey and Against All Gods. This book is written by Maz Evans

Elliot has a tough life. He may seem don’t care-ish and a prank-player at school (though in a way he is) but at home, he has a tough time.

When Virgo, the constellation, lives in her perfect world Elysium with the rest of the Zodiac Constellations, she has a perfect life. She was always correct and always perfect, so why did she feel bored? She didn’t know.

When she escapes to the imperfect and different world, Earth, she meets unbelieving Elliot, and they become the most unlikely of heroes.

But the reason they had to become heroes, was because they were the ones to set free the King of the Daemons, The Daemon of Death. Thanatos. So, basically, the near end of the world was because of them. But the Zodiac Council doesn’t help. Their job is…

…Not to capture Thanatos, but, instead to deny all knowledge of his escape. Not the most practical solution.

But when the Daemon makes an irresistible offer to Elliot, will he choose to save the world? Or end it?

Read more to find out!

I rate this book 10 ❤s out of 10 ❤s!



Nalini Roy
The Lil Switch

Book reviewer, author and book-worm. I love cartwheels, handstands and dogs. I’m 11 and I love writing reviews- Learn more on