Real friends

Dmitri Zdorov
Little thought about big things
2 min readMay 30, 2013


Older people, or just folks that don’t get it still think that “real“ friendship is better than virtual one. The friends that you made in person are somehow better than ones you met online.
Maybe it was like that years ago, but I doubt even that. Friends are friends and it does not matter how you met them. What matters is the relationship you got, the connection, the synergy.
Once you become friends with someone online there are only few things that can prevent you from meeting in person and if you happened to be in one city you can hang out “in real life” everyday if you both up to it.
My personal experience with really good friends, the true ones is very much like that. After certain point in life all the best people that I want to spent most time with were my online connections.
I think it’s mostly because when you select people to start something more than just an acquaintance you choose the ones that you feel most connected with, drawn to, fascinated about, but from what is around and in virtual the choice is just some much bigger.

Nothing wrong with people I knew before any social networks and blogs came to be, and I love them, we are still friends. But with age it’s getting harder to become friends with new people, we tent to get picky, selective and just busy. That’s I guess is a big factor too.

It’s actually fascinating to think how it all will develop even further as time goes by and more people will come online, and translation tools will improve, and new ways to socialize become available. After all you can have an awesome connection with someone and yet never say a word to each other.



Dmitri Zdorov
Little thought about big things

I do product management and design for work (in IT, Digital Printing and Publishing). I also paint, travel, Podcast and design fonts.